New yoga class in Sydenham
Oct 2016: Here it is, teaching my second yoga class, this one in Sydenham begins on Thursday 20th October. It's my intention to be THE...

My breathing practice takes me to new PB depths
July 2016: An entirely different kind of set up at the beach fronted hotel one hour west of Athens; no space for group yoga sessions....

The student becomes the teacher!
June 2016: This trip was our third to Marsa Shagra Eco Village, Egypt as freedivers, but my first as their yoga teacher. Yoga and...

My first teaching class!
Feb 2016: As part of the BWY course, it is recommended that you begin teaching as soon as you can find a location and students to teach....

La Rosa, Puglia, Italy (yoga retreat)
May 2016: “Where are you teaching on retreat next Zoe?” I asked when we returned home from Morocco in Oct 2015, and bingo I booked my...

An Eureka moment occurred on this trip.
July 2016: I was one of the first bookings on this yoga retreat hosted by my friend, and Bikram yoga instructor, Donna Noble. Donna had...

Crashing waves to accompany your savasana anyone? (Oct 2015)
October 2015: You will hear a name mentioned so many times during my teacher training and that is Zoe Knott. Zoe is a Diploma Course...

Bikram postures at 12 metres (yes on the sea bed!) 2013
Let’s take a trip back to June 2013, my husband, David, and I were on a Scuba diving holiday (celebrating our 200 dives that trip). Marsa...

Where it all began (2005 to 2015)
My passion for yoga started in 2005, and probably like you, I heard that is was good for me and was likely to make me more flexible. Well...